Migration is a human right!

Protest at the Parliament 7 March

The IND has tentitavely decided to refrain from releasing a statement on the applications of Sudanese and Palestinian asylum seekers. At the moment, the waiting period for these applications is 21 months (!!!). The reasoning behind this, according to the IND, is that they cannot make a statement because the current situation in both places is too dangerous to send people back to, in the event that their application is denied. Instead, this should be a reason to grant these people asylum!

On Thursday March 7th the Parliament debated the suspension of asylum requests of Palestinians and Sudanese refugees. Together with Kolna Falasteen, the Sudanese Refugee Organisation, and Derdelanders we were present at the Parliament in Den Haag from 13:00-14:00. We demanded: 

- To cancel the 'beslismoratorium'. Stop delaying asylum applications!

- Safe passage to the Netherlands 

- Asylum for Palestinians with UNRWA status 

Additionally, 'third country nationals' from the Ukraine lost their right to stay in the Netherlands on March 4, 2024. They can, therefore, no longer work or have access to medical care and residence. Around 2900 people who already lost everything due to the war are set to lose it all again. 

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